Sunday, May 29, 2011

Opening up Creativity - Zentangles and doodling

I am always looking a way to open up my creativity and get away from perfection.  Early in my creative life, I did not think I had any artistic ability.  I thought that artists either needed to portray the exact image as if a photograph or convey the idea in just a few strokes of the pen.  I was extremely tough on myself.

When I took over my ceramics studio, I suddenly had to allow myself to not only be creative but help other people to find their creative voice.

I have come a long way and yet sometimes making that original item or seeing things differently takes some effort and practice.  So how does an artist "practice" besides creating art pieces.  Well, one technique came from Sandy Teen Bartholomew by way of Cloth Paper Scissors.  This has been around a few years and has an official website.  There are a few ritual steps to starting that help get you going and they have some structured doodles for you to learn, but like most artists each one finds their own rules.  They use just 3 1/2 paper squares where I am using a larger journal so mine do take longer.  Also I seem to have more going on...words etc.

Here are my rules:
1.  I cannot tear out or start over (this teaches me to let go and to find creative solutions)
2.  Try to do at least two week (I thought I would do one a day but mine often take a few hours).
3.  It is OK to leave them partially done and return later (see the reason above!)
4.  I can use color
5.  I can have a theme, question or affirmation
6.  Each time is new so let go and let the ink flow!

One of my favorite techniques is writing words in cursive one direction and then another word the other direction.  It creates a pattern that is not readable but the intentions are there.

I am really enjoying the thoughts that it opens as well as the meditation that seems to come from just escaping computers, production, to do lists.....and just creating.  In addition, it makes lines go faster and the waiting room is almost a pleasure.

I even noticed the Quilting Arts Magazine April/May 2011 edition has an article on turning these into art quilts! So that seems to be my next step.

For more information try these:

Sandy's blog:
Quilting Arts April/May 2011
Craft Paper Scissors Art-Journaling eBook

My "Zentangles" so far...

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Maker's Fair Project - Tami Jo Designs Photo books

I love make and takes and this was the one I decided to do at Maker's Faire this year.  It is clever and quick!  I can already think of way to meld fabric and paper.

The instruction were easy to follow and several kids were making them as well.  I think it will make a great sentimental gift for Christmas or Yule so don't tell my family (hehehehe).

The link to her site Tami Jo Studios is where you can get the instructions as well as kits.  I definitely recommend starting with the precut kits since she has great color sense and fun ideas.  It is always easier to learn the technique and then move on to doing it all yourself.  Of course she has finished ones as well so all you need to add are the photos and words you want.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Maker's Faire 2011 recap

Wow, I had a great time at Maker's Fair - Incredible crowd so I hope they make wider aisles next time....also need better sound systems so presenters can be heard, but those are minor issues compared to the amazing, inspiring, strange, creative, mind-blowing and just plain fun stuff!

I love seeing fabric printing and wool carding next to NASA and robots.  The fire art always moves me and the neon floor shark makes me laugh.  Low to high tech this place has it all!

I did I mention the costumes.  There was cyberpunk, steam-punk and transformers.  I went steam-punkish.....I need to finish the costume I have in mind for next year (yes, I know I thought that last year but I really mean it this time!).  There also seems to be a underground competition for the wittiest geek T-shirt.  It was a challenge to read shirts in the crowd while watching the demos.  I bought a DIY or Die shirt to at least fit in.

Next year my goal is be a presenter or have a booth!  I plan to work with MAKE magazine offshoot Craftzine, get either C&T publishing or Eddie's Quilting Bee to come or my own booth.  Any thoughts?

Here are my photos - tomorrow I will post a project I did there  - so stay tuned.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Maker's Faire San Mateo

This incredible event is almost unexplainable....I will post photos later but if you can make it, real life is MUCH better.  Mythbusters Adam at noon!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

French Braid Class May

Just finished a three week class in French Braid Color theory - This was a great one since the students get to select the style and three picked ones I had never taught before.  There was appliqué, stained glass and reverse braids.  It was a blast and many great designs!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Bernina Makeover

I just entered the messy sewing room makeover - I think I have a chance  - what do you think?

Catching up while sitting down

It has been a physically overwhelming week but soooo much was accomplished.

My mother and friends took two days and transformed our garage into a shop for my boyfriend and laundry area for all.  We pushed but it is a great shift in space. Now he can be creative as well.

Had a wonderful class at Eddie's Quilting Bee  - second in the series of three for French braid.  There are some really inventive quilts being created. This is the first time I have had a students do the appliquéd center as well as the stained glass black outlines.

Finally started on my fourth in series of Goddess Fabric Collages which I am doing with my women's group.  This one for FREYA seemed harder to make time for and things kept getting misplaced.  I am on task now and will post photo as it gets further along. Next ones will include Aine, Lilth and Baba Yaga.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Delta Quilters Visit

Great evening seeing old friends and seeing the amazing work done by my friends.

The challenge quilts were great generating both laughter and tears. From a "Balanced Boobs Bra" with Republicans on one cup and Democrats on the other to the touching quilt that had ties from a recently passed away veteran and is going to a quiet room in Escondido.  Kathy Brito did a great job taking over the challenge.

Finally their opportunity quilt is amazing - get tickets!  The appliqué and flower runching are beautiful and the quilting alone took 9 days!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sunday thoughts

Yesterday at Eddie's Quilting Bee, I taught Cathedral Simplified.  We had a great time both sewing and discussing world travel.  I loved the color combinations and will post the photos.

I am very excited to see a long arm quilting machine coming into my life!  The Queen Quilter table top version is small enough to fit in my space but still do a great job.  I can finally finish those quilt tops and keep moving toward the goal of a creative turn in my professional life.  Now to rearrange the sewing room - that will be a challenge but well worth it.

Off I go to complete the long overdue class sample for Queen B's Quilt Shop  - jeweled paper piecing.  I WILL finish the blocks today!